Michael Biering has devoted much of his life to helping those less fortunate than he is. One of Michael Biering’s most cherished memories is the Christmas that he spent helping the homeless population of Atlanta by serving food.

According to Michael Biering, it is easy to help the homeless population of your hometown. The first thing to do, of course, is to do away with stereotypes that may exist in your community. By educating yourself about the homeless and understanding that each situation is different, Michael Biering believes that you can dispel a lot of prejudice.

One thing you can do is to begin with research. According to Michael Biering, the best thing to do is to first learn about the shelters in your location and their needs. For the most part, Michael Biering believes that shelters need basics, such as food, clothing and money. One thing that Michael Biering notes that many people overlook is toys, but these can also provide homeless families with young children with a lot of comfort.

If you do not have a homeless shelter nearby, you can also volunteer at a soup kitchen. According to Michael Biering, this is one of the best things that you can do, because providing people with basic nourishment is enormously important. You can help with preparing, serving, or cleaning up afterward – all hands are helpful, says Michael Biering. You can also volunteer at a women’s shelter for domestic violence survivors, says Michael Biering, because these shelters are often lacking resources.

According to Michael Biering, helping animals is one of the most important things you can do as a citizen. From volunteering at your local animal shelter like Michael Biering to making your career out of helping animals, there are a number of ways you can lend a hand to this cause.

You can help out in your local animal shelter, just like Michael Biering did. Michael Biering recommends letting your shelter know that you are available to do any work that they need done. For instance, you can clean cages or help animals get adopted, says Michael Biering.

Of course, there are a number of other things you can do, notes Michael Biering. For example, you can write to your local legislator about pressing issues in your local area, says Michael Biering. You can also visit websites like Pet Finder and the Humane Society to learn more about what is going on in your own home area and figure out what you can do to help. For example, if you know about any local puppy mills that are operating, then you can definitely do something to stop them by supporting stores that do not condone these practices, notes Michael Biering.

Michael Biering also recommends spreading the word around your hometown. You can flyer your city with information so that residents can learn more about issues that are pressing animals at your local shelter, says Michael Biering. And, of course, if you help to raise donations for your local shelter, the help is always appreciated.

Michael Biering was not initially a fan of utilizing social media. In fact, he basically looked down upon those who were raving about how great it was to connect with old friends and flames. Michael Biering is the type of person who stays connected to the important people in his life by making phone calls, scheduling visits, or sending personal emails. He felt that the social media platforms made these interactions less personal. However, Michael Biering began to change his tune as he started seeing the usefulness of certain sites.

Michael Biering eventually gave in and developed his own Facebook page. He thought it was strange how people updated their status and gave their location constantly throughout the day. He felt that people were almost boasting about what they were doing, even if it was mundane. So, Michael Biering decided to start posting his workout regimen. He used Facebook to keep track of what was working for him and posted pictures of certain exercises with descriptions. Many of his friends and acquaintances were liking his posts and asking him questions about what he was doing and why. Before long, Michael Biering was the unofficial fitness consultant of his Facebook community.

When he decided to become a certified CrossFit trainer, he had been documenting his entire experience on his Facebook page. He now had friends of friends waiting for him to complete his certification. Michael Biering had basically established his client following before he was even ready to take them on! Michael Biering had a full class for his first time around due to his Facebook connections.

Michael Biering has truly loved animals since he was a young man. He has always had a natural ability to connect with animals and had many pets throughout his childhood. Michael Biering knew he did not want to make animal care a career, but wanted to find ways to help. A friend recommended that he should look into volunteering at a local animal shelter and this idea appealed to him.

Michael Biering began researching local shelters by using websites such as Petfinder.com. This site allows the user to enter a zip code, and it locates shelters in the vicinity. Michael Biering found a few shelters nearby and set out one afternoon to check them out. Most of the shelters he visited were quite bleak and overcrowded with dogs and cats.

The shelter employees looked haggard and had no interest in talking to Michael Biering about what kind of volunteer work he could do for them. Michael Biering was afraid of this happening and decided to take a different approach. Instead of asking what help they needed, Michael Biering offered his services in very specific terms. He told them what days he was available to help clean the animal cages or assist in the office. He also told them he wanted to help the shelter spread the word about the animals available for adoption. Michael Biering offered to take pictures of the animals and post them on free, local community websites. Needless to say, the shelter ended up welcoming Michael Biering’s help with open arms.

Most people look forward to one or two vacations per year. Michael Biering makes it a point to travel whenever possible. He is usually able to plan one or two long trips each year, and these are almost always to places he has never been before. In addition, he takes advantage of every long weekend or free day possible. Sometimes he travels with friends, but more often than not he is on his own.

Michael Biering has an insatiable thirst for exploration. He truly enjoys learning all about a destination and then works really hard to get there. A perfect example of this was his dream of visiting Norway. After learning of his acceptance into the study abroad program, Michael Biering had developed a spreadsheet of all the trips he would take while living there. His list was not simply Norwegian destinations, it detailed a time line, method of travel, and a budget. He was going to take full advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Michael Biering still had the responsibilities of school while he was there, but he dedicated almost every free minute he had to exploring.

Michael Biering does not have as much free time as he once had when he was in college. However, he makes time for travel whenever possible. Some weekends are perfect for a local camping trip that includes fishing and hiking. Other three-day weekends are just right for a quick flight to a music festival. Michael Biering does not need too many reasons to justify all his travel.

Michael Biering has always made time for volunteer work. Whether it was with animals or humans, he really enjoys donating his time. When he made the decision to help out at a homeless shelter on Christmas, he was not quite prepared for the emotional impact of the experience.

Michael Biering found a shelter that his church works with and decided that would be the most appropriate for him. Friends and family were proud of him for volunteering on such an important holiday, but also felt that he should be spending his time with them. Michael Biering was having his own doubts but was not going to back out of the commitment.

Michael Biering made his way over to the shelter with enough time to prepare before his shift began. The lead volunteer seemed grateful to see him as a few volunteers decided to back out at the last minute. The shelter was already packed with hungry participants, and it was going to be a busy night. Michael Biering gave himself a moment to look around and saw more happy faces than he had expected. The place was decorated beautifully and people seemed genuinely thankful to be there.

As Michael Biering helped serve the dinner, he made sure to chat with everyone he helped. Many said they were just happy to make it through another year and had hopes that their luck would turn in the New Year. Their optimism gave him hope. Their thankfulness made him want to continue his volunteer efforts throughout the year. Michael Biering was completely uplifted by the experience.

Michael Biering is a motivated individual. It is what makes him a fantastic fitness trainer, friend and volunteer worker. He lives by what he says, which is why it is so easy to believe him. Whether he is trying to motivate himself to change a habit or become more productive, he knows how to motivate himself to be successful. Michael Biering keeps these steps in mind when he needs to motivate himself or when he is helping others:

Figure out what you really want to do. This may seem obvious, but Michael Biering has found that sometimes he really needs to articulate what he is trying to accomplish. It cannot be too large or complex, either. It has to be attainable because that is the only way to stay motivated. For example, Michael Biering has counseled friends on losing weight and getting fit. He always makes sure that is really what the person wants to do and then sets some small, reasonable goals.

Think about your motivation often. Michael Biering finds that he has to remind himself why he is trying to achieve a particular goal quite regularly. He recommends writing the reasons down and revisiting them whenever necessary. Some people need the reasons posted all around them – hanging on the fridge, in their phone or on their mirror at home.

Now just do it. Michael Biering says that it is important to just get started. Many people will set start dates for various reasons. If you are ready to start, just start
Michael Biering’s church recently hosted a prison outreach event. He decided to volunteer after talking with his pastor. His pastor assured him that the interactions with the inmates would be inspirational and interesting. Michael Biering was curious about the rehabilitation process for the inmates. He truly believed that this kind of outreach was probably very important for them, and he decided that he wanted to be a part of it. Michael Biering’s volunteer duties were to be the drummer for the day’s music.

The prison outreach event was a luncheon that featured many motivational speakers. Inmates who were participating in writing classes shared their poetry and short stories. Some of them talked about how they had never written anything before being incarcerated. Michael Biering was moved by how thankful they were to their instructors. Learning to write had become a therapeutic, creative outlet for the inmates. He was also amazed at how comfortable they were to share their writing. It seemed they had a close-knit community amongst each other.

Michael Biering had the opportunity to play music with some of the talented inmates. After their performance, they talked about their life journeys and how they felt more in control now that they were in prison. Michael Biering was humbled by their perspective and hoped they were able to stay on track after they were released. Many of them talked about how hard it was to return to their former lives because all the temptations were waiting around the corner for them.