Michael Biering has truly loved animals since he was a young man. He has always had a natural ability to connect with animals and had many pets throughout his childhood. Michael Biering knew he did not want to make animal care a career, but wanted to find ways to help. A friend recommended that he should look into volunteering at a local animal shelter and this idea appealed to him.

Michael Biering began researching local shelters by using websites such as Petfinder.com. This site allows the user to enter a zip code, and it locates shelters in the vicinity. Michael Biering found a few shelters nearby and set out one afternoon to check them out. Most of the shelters he visited were quite bleak and overcrowded with dogs and cats.

The shelter employees looked haggard and had no interest in talking to Michael Biering about what kind of volunteer work he could do for them. Michael Biering was afraid of this happening and decided to take a different approach. Instead of asking what help they needed, Michael Biering offered his services in very specific terms. He told them what days he was available to help clean the animal cages or assist in the office. He also told them he wanted to help the shelter spread the word about the animals available for adoption. Michael Biering offered to take pictures of the animals and post them on free, local community websites. Needless to say, the shelter ended up welcoming Michael Biering’s help with open arms.

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